
Digos Internet Scandal

Internet Cafes and online gaming has triumphantly made its way to the hearts of the young kids in Digos City. You'll a lot of student not in school but in cafes enjoying Warcraft, Dota, War Rock, RAN, Gun Bound, Counter strike, Crazy cart and more.

Though the city government has already given legislations regarding the internet cafes policies in not letting students ply during prescribed hours, still it could not be helped.

Personally I would have to say that it is the parent's concern in keeping their kids on track and not the government and the establishment's sole responsibility.

"If only school was as fun as online games" true school sometimes is boring. I think teachers and school administrators should make school life fun and interesting to win over this internet scandal.

I do hope that we would not see more uniformed kids and even kids that are out of school inside internet cafes during school hours.. their just spoilig the allowance and tuition fee.

We will try t get the Mayor's side in this issue.

till nex time?!!